Subject: International Front to Save Egypt's Revolution Conference, June 23-24 at 12 noon
International Front to Save Egypt's Revolution Conference
Who Cares About Egypt's Revolution?
Lessons Learned, Current Challenges, and Future Goals
June 23rd -24th, 2012
Woodbridge, VA
International Front for Saving Egypt's Revolution (IFSER)
2012 Annual Meeting
Prince William Academy School
3480 Commission Ct, Woodbridge, VA 22192
Schedule of Events:
Saturday, June 23
12:00 - 1 pm: Registration Open
1:00 - 1:30 pm: Opening General Session
1: 30 - 3:30 pm: The Past: Lessons Learned from January 25th Revolution
3:30 - 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
4:00-6:00 pm: The Present: Current Challenges to January 25th Revolution
6:30 Pm Dinner
Sunday, June 24
9:00-11 am: The Future: Tomorrow's Goals for January 25th Revolution
11:30- 12:30 pm: Conference Final Resolutions & Press Release
12:30 pm: Lunch
Lessons Learned, Current Challenges, and Future Goals
Primary Issues
1. How can IFSER help in facing the domination & hegemony of SCAF on Egypt?
2. How can IFSER help in confronting the SCAF followers and machine abroad?
3. How can IFSER help in building national unity among Christians & Muslims in Egypt & abroad?
4. How can IFSER help in future development of Egypt?
detailed policies
5. How can IFSER help in achieving the revolution's goals of food, liberty, human dignity, and social justice in Egypt?
6. What should be IFSER's policy on:
· The Parliament
· The new Constitution.
· The internal security apparatus (police, etc.)
· The intelligence apparatus
· The military establishment
· The judiciary reforms
· The press and other public mass media
Sign your name and circulate widely to all your e-mail lists and Facebook pages. It is the time for younger revolutionary people to lead. Please join and participate.
International Front to Save Egypt's Revolution (IFSER)
Dear Fellow Egyptian:
Egyptians abroad have a key responsibility in saving January 25th
revolution. Yesterday's ruling to allow General Shafiq to continue as
a presidential candidate and to declare that the law which the
current elected parliament is unconstitutional is a major setback. It
marks the beginning of a grim era, and as a result, the Egyptian
nation is returning to the eve of February 11th, 2011, when Mubarak
surrendered his power to his military council.
In brief, the next four years could be the worst in many decades. The
International Front to Save the Egyptian Revolution (IFSER) has been
established to face this challenge, to work on saving the January 25th
revolution, and ensure that a free voice for Egyptians abroad remain
loud and clear around the world.
IFSER will coordinate with all political forces inside and outside the country to regain the goals of the January 25th revolution including: Food, Freedom, Social Justice, and Human Rights.
We are calling upon all Egyptians in USA and Canada to join us for the 1st
Assembly of Egyptian Americans to save the January 25th revolution. The meeting will be held in Washington, DC. June 23-24, 2012.
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