Saturday, 14 July 2012

{الفكر القومي العربي} Dr. Mursy is MIA

Dr. Mursy the new Egyptian President is missing in action.
We have been watching the Egyptian news , and it it is puzzling, but there is a common thread, the president who should be so overwhelmed with announcements and execution of plans is MIS. That is really worrying me. When people said give SCAF a chance , we screamed out loud that we have no time to give ,as it is a luxury Egypt does not have, so now we raise the same flag about our new president.
We had a great visitor who his country Tunisia started the Arab Spring, yet our president had other engagements to visit the Saudi King. It was weird to see every other participant in the election meeting the great President of Tunisia but our own president specially when the meetings happened at one of the presidential palaces. Did some one double book for our president ?
Now is Mrs. Clinton's visit and a lot of clouds around it, no one talked about the reasons of the visit and some arranged for demonstrating against Mrs. Clinton's visit which is a slippery slop route to worse things that can happen when we fuel the hate monger  against America.
There  is a certain media that is establishing and connecting between Dr. Mursi 's winning election and the US help to Egypt. That is ironic since the US is the same country that was blamed for the miserable ruling of Mubarak for thirty years . Noticeably the US is also being blamed for giving SCAF the power to rule Egypt, destroy the Egyptian Constitution and damaging the Judicial system. 
Going back to our president missing in action. Dr. Mursy our house hold needs a lot of saving and immediate repair before it all falls on us.Where are you Sir and what are you doing for Egypt now ?
Why are you working in secret and where is the transparency we fought for ?
Mr. President I would first have emergency sessions to finalize the Cabinet and give the new government the responsibility of running the country. 
Mr. President I will put an order that there is no such a thing as short working day in Ramadan, if employees want a short day then they get paid half of their salary, I also would refrain from giving financial decrees without getting the approval and OK from our financial gurus.
Mr. President, I would have worked behind the curtains to build a coalition before I put a decree to clash with the Judicial System . I would have built a coalition with the Judicial System , there are still many of them who would like to save Egypt.
Mr. President , If Mrs. Clinton came with a good gesture of forgiving a billion dollars and a bet more aid , I would have said we thank you but the Egyptians would like to see real forgiveness of all the loan amount which we have already  been paid many times over in interest  and real equal partnership similar to US and Israel, I would have asked to open American markets to Egypt as one of the favorite trade partners . The Egyptian Americans Mr. President have lobbied for that long time ago, and you could build a bridge with us to prepare for the visit.
Mr. President I hope what we read about the reasons for your trip to Saudi Arabia at this time is nothing but a bad propaganda against you and the Muslim Brotherhood. Mr. President truly it was hard to see the justification of  your visit to the kingdom at this time, but if you had come back with our boy , we may have been able to swallow  it easier, but as you can see the Saudis did not reciprocate  the favor. You took the chance and we know the King of Saudi Arabia has absolute power , he could have returned you home at least with your head a bet higher.
Mr. President Mursy, you are leaving yourself open for people's criticism  and frustration because you are not sharing your thoughts and actions.
Mr. President we need an immediate plan that includes all of us. We are your soldiers and Egypt servants , so we urge you to please let us in and break away from your party.
Democracy for Egypt.
Samia Salah Harris

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