Thursday, 23 August 2012

{الفكر القومي العربي} Dr. Morsy's visit to New York

      We have just been informed of the confirmation of Dr. Morsy's visit to the United Nation in New York, we have also been told that his office arranged with the Muslim brotherhood party's representatives and loyal members in the United States of America  who is invited from the Egyptian community and who is not welcome.
Dr. Morsy's people requested only the Muslim  brotherhood loyal Egyptians, those who sympathize with them and those who are passive about his policy. In a sad manner Dr. Morsy and his team decided one more time to be the president of only the Muslim  brotherhood and their sympathizer. Any free thinker , any one who took an active role in the Egyptian Revolution, community leaders , any one who criticize the policy which Dr. Morsy and His team have been following, is not welcome to meet the Muslim Brotherhood president.
President Morsy , I hate to tell you that you are taking the same steps and following the same practice which Ousted President Mubarak and his son Gamal Mubarak took  during their visit to the United States. Only the financially influential  people were invited to their crowd, but for you Dr. Morsy it is only the Muslim Brotherhood and their cronies.
It is either that people who are managing your affairs do not believe that you are the president of all Egyptians or they would like to avoid any truth facing you, or they really do not believe that we fought for a revolution to happen in Egypt.They might also underestimate your ability and sincerity to connect with all Egyptians.
Dear Sir, if you just want people who will clap and shout empty slogans for you, you are on the right track to receive it as it is obviously planned by your public relation mangers.
But Sir , if  you want to be distant for great things to be done for Egypt , if you wish to hear intelligent people telling you what we would like to see for Egypt, if you wanted to serve Egypt , you would have liked to meet  your critics as you would have known that we love Egypt above our self.
Our hope for you and for Egypt under your leadership is unfortunately getting very dim , and I do not think the people around you are doing you any favor as you had an amazing opportunity  to be the one to unite us  and to bring the glory of democracy and freedom back to Egypt but with this practice, we sadly do not see it happen.Under this cloud because you are the president of our beloved Egypt , we still wish you a great trip and we hope you accomplish what you come for.
Democracy for Egypt. 
Samia Harris

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