Friday, 10 August 2012

{الفكر القومي العربي} Where Will the US Strike Next in Africa?
Quote......  Hillary Clinton threatened to "take action" – and, by that, she meant make war – against Eritrea if it did not stop supporting the Shabab resistance fighters in Somalia. There was no evidence that Eritrea was, in fact, arming the Shabab, and there is no evidence that Eritrea is doing so, now – as the UN Monitoring

Where Will the US Strike Next in Africa?
Under the direction of the United States, the UN Security Council recently extended sanctions for another year against the northeast African nation of Eritrea. The country of 6 million people, nestled against the Red Sea, is on America's hit list. In the imperial double-speak of Washington, Eritrea is described as a "destabilizing" force in the region – which simply means the government in Asmara has refused to buckle under to U.S. military domination of the Horn of Africa.
Back in 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton threatened to "take action" – and, by that, she meant make war – against Eritrea if it did not stop supporting the Shabab resistance fighters in Somalia. There was no evidence that Eritrea was, in fact, arming the Shabab, and there is no evidence that Eritrea is doing so, now – as the UN Monitoring Group on Eritrea and Somalia admits.
The monitors, who are, in effect, tools of U.S. policy, reported that they found "no evidence" of Eritrean aid to Somali fighters over the past year, and concluded that, if such assistance exists at all, it is "negligible." Yet, the UN Security Council, under U.S. pressure, extended the sanctions, anyway. Washington claims that Eritrea's alleged support for the Shabab has only halted because of the sanctions, and it's, therefore, too early to lift them – which amounts to punishing Eritrea for having the wrong intentions, whether it acts on them or not.
It is, of course, not little Eritrea that is destabilizing the Horn of Africa, but the United States, which has made the region a front line in its so-called War on Terror. Washington's closest ally in the neighborhood is Ethiopia, from which Eritrea won its independence in 1993, after a 30-year war. The U.S. instigated, armed, financed and gave logistical support to Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia, in 2006, plunging that country into what United Nations observers called "the worst humanitarian crisis in Africa." Under American direction, Kenya also invaded Somalia, in the midst of a great famine, last year. The U.S. bankrolls, arms and trains the nominally African Union force that occupies Somalia's capital, and has turned neighboring Djibouti into the main base for the U.S. Africa Command, AFRICOM.
And there sits Eritrea, surrounded by warring American puppets, interfering in no one's affairs, yet determined to defend her sovereignty – accused by the world biggest and most aggressive power of destabilizing the region.
Eritrea's real sin is to be one of the very few nations in Africa that do not have military relations with AFRICOM, the U.S. war machine. That puts a bulls-eye on her back, along with Zimbabwe and Sudan, which U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice demanded be blockaded and bombed back in the George Bush administration. Barack Obama's Africa policy is an extension and expansion of Bush's aim to militarize the continent, and the much older U.S. policy to create chaos and horrific human suffering in those regions it cannot directly control. In practice, Obama's doctrine is the same as Bush: "You are either with us or against us."


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  • JonnyJames
    Well at least CD puts Mr. Ford's articles up once in a while. Very few articles critical of the systemic and structural corruption behind the facade ever make it here.
    Bravo to Glen Ford, Jarrod Ball and the rest at BAR for their courageous truth-telling in the face of a blaring giant Orwellian Telescreen that tries to shout them down.

  • Siouxrose
    In a version of sci-fi coming to life, one can witness parallels between what the U.S. martial forces have done unto others, and what's hitting home.
    The BP wound to the Gulf of Mexico--oil related, fits in metaphorically with the wound to Iraq in pursuit of oil.
    The fires raging out west fit the places the U.S. military left in flames.
    The karmic boomerang from Nagasaki and Hiroshima, by the nation that has yet to cease and desist from its investment in WMD, may well be constituted by the silent radiation streaming over from the open Pandora's Box at Fukushima.
    The dry deadened earth unfit for producing corn mirrors the lands the U.S. military laid to waste and the multitudes left starving.
    The continued investment in arms (and war) when muscle and resources are needed to prepare for climate upheaval is a treason against all sentient beings.
    Yogananda and Martin Luther King both spoke about what the investment in armaments leads to: one equated this behavior with massive earth changes, and the other with spiritual death. For these ghastly amoral ends this nation devotes a trillion dollars a year.

  • aquillahscollection
    BAR goes where even the quote "alternative media" would rather not go 
    in calling out the Obama/Bush regimes war crimes and policies foreign
    and domestic that only benefit there corporate pay masters. While draining 
    the US treasury to fund these operation then claiming the country can't afford to pubic education medicare-medicaid, and social security not to mention already guaranteed pensions of public service workers..

  •    The Eritrean people have long suffered the presence of European, Ethiopian and American militaries. At the end of the second world war the Tigray people of Eritrea were forced into a union with Amhara Ethiopia under Haile Selassie The Eritreans were forced by Europe and America to suffer under the Amhara monarchy of Haile Selassie, who colonized Eritrea with Amhara settlers from the overpopulated Amhara south. In the 1960s, the US established a military base (air base) just outside of Asmara at Cagnu Station.  The stated purpose of this base was to protect the southern entrance to the Red Sea and counter the Russian threat in South Yemen (Aden). The real pupose was to support a CIA "listening post" monitoring the Persian Gulf and to support the pillaging of Eritrea by the southern Amharas under Selassie.
    The Amhara advantage on Eritrea (and Tigray) was lost in the 1980s with the assension of the military under Mengistu in the south and with devasting famine which affected northern Ethiopia and Eritrea in 1985/86. At that time, Ethiopia was the only true communist country in Africa with close connections to the Soviet Union. Communism, the regime of Mengistu and renewed ties...
    show more

  • F_Randy_Hullabaloo
    Should be a regular feature on CD. 

  • Tewolde Nemariam
    Thank you CD for posting Glen Ford's incisive summary of the US government's destabilization agenda in the Africa in general and Eritrea in particular. To those of us who follow and watch events in the Horn of Africa daily, it is really exciting. An independent journalist, at last!
    It appears Glen Ford, unlike many on the left, doesn't rely on corporate media for topics or issues of the day. 

  • HenryWallace2012
    Interesting story of intrigue and other things as well! 

  • jimbojamesiv
    All one needs to do is look at a map and see what the US is up to and why Eritrea is in the cross-hairs.
    From Djibouti through Kenya, Congo, Uganda to Nigeria and the western coast, the vast swath of green is what the US wants. 

  • nveric
    The big push in Africa for land is the latest ill-begotten scheme. 
    By why stop there?
    With a new base in Australia, the time will come when their land will be seized, excuse me, purchased with the barrel of a gun as an incentive.
    If taking over the planet is our national/federal/imperial goal, I suggest using nukes. The nukes can offset this 'global warming' issue with a 'nuclear winter'. And, getting rid of the extra people will help future growth and prosperity. This is a serious scenario not unthinkable in Washington DC.


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