Tuesday, 6 August 2013

{الفكر القومي العربي} US Egypt current relationship. August 20-2013

President Obama asked Senator John McCain and Senator Gram to visit Egypt , yet when they got there they announced that they do not represent President Obama but they represent the Senate. 
The speech that both Senate gave even though indicated that they are only advising not dictating the Egyptian Government on how to handle their internal crises , they were very generous in their advise to detail a list and a tall order for how they both see the answer should be.

Keeping the Muslim Brotherhood involved was a must in their opinion to solve the problem , and the current situation will make it difficult to keep the US aid coming to Egypt.
That the stopping of the delivery of the planes was a normal reaction. The change of power was not democratic to a democratic president.
These two senators were given such a high privilege in Egypt, the question for us to our government is why ?
First these two Senators serve in the Arms Committee and they both signed of on stopping the delivery of the  four planes to Egypt on the day of the delivery. By the way , once the aid moves to a contract , a purchase order and a delivery date , that makes it a contractual obligation. Just like Camp David , an obligation to both signers which must be honored or else challenged in court. That means with my little knowledge in the law that The US government has defaulted in it's contractual obligation to Egypt. Why have we not heard of Egypt's demand to fulfillment of contract?
Why is Egypt silent of it's rights from the US , yet still delivering it's obligations to US of the same aid package ? What is wrong with Egypt ? I know that we have enough International Legal Experts to know better and who are capable of taking care of Egypt's right ? 
Now did these two senators really come because they care about Egypt as they indicated ? They both spoke of peaceful out for Morsy and Cult to help settle the MB situation. 
One must get to know these men to understand their position. I am going to cover John McCain since he is better known and most senior. 
Who is John McCain? 
Born 1936, Ran for 2000 presidential Campaign during which , he had to defend himself against the Keating five case. McCain lost to George Bush.
McCain also lost to Barack Obama in 2008 during which , he appointed an illiterate VP woman just to try to gain numbers during the campaign
McCain announced during his April 23,2002  that no American leader should deny Israel's right to self defense
2006 McCain answered  why should we ask Israel for total restraint against Lebanon .
During 2008 Presidential Campaign McCain' advisers stated the they were not in favor in peace negotiation with Syria.
McCain courted both groups opposing and supporting a Palestinian State.
After Jan, 25th Egyptian revolution, McCain announced that Israel is in danger of being surrounded by countries that are against the very existence of Israel and governed by radical organizations.
During McCain's 2008 presidential campaign, he criticized the religious leaders as " agents of intolerance , corrupting influence on religion and politics"!
Does any one still think that John McCain cares about Egypt or any Arab Country in any good way ?
Why did we allow him the time and opportunity to interfere with our internal policy ? Why are we still giving in to US ? Why do we care so much about the military aid that was already broken by not receiving the promised and paid for planes while we still deliver service in our air space, priority service in Suez Canal and allowing US military to  train in our desert?
What have we gotten lately from the US ? We got their help to an International Terrorist Cult that committed so many crimes against Egypt and Egyptians to be the rulers for a year ? What did the Egyptian people get ? A hospital to fight Cancer ? A school to teach vocational training ? A model village ? Natural alternative way to energy ? A new way for transportation ? Better and faster subways or trains ? Energy factory by using trash ?
Why do we keep holding on the US hurting and insulting Egypt ? Do we have the abused person Syndrome ? Get abused and believe that we deserve it because we must be bad ?

Enough is enough. Egypt and to our current rulers , please ask real experts on International matters before you act so weak and insult all of us. Egypt must refuse the US aid, stand strong and make our own decision to solve our own internal affairs by our laws. We are so close to loose your trust and we demand that you act with Egypt dignity and conscious now or get the heck out of our way.
If not us then who ? If not now then when ? God bless Egypt and all Egyptians.
Samia Harris.
Democracy for Egypt. 


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