Wednesday 16 July 2014

{الفكر القومي العربي} It it is not Hamas issue, It is a human conscious matter.

We all realize and agree that what Hamas did against Egypt during the Muslim Brotherhood year was neither brotherly nor friendly to the majority Egyptians. It was rather a very bad political miscalculated move by Hamas who sided against the will of the Egyptians.But What Gaza is going through now is a serious human being disaster and violation of all decency, human rights or any International law ?
Yes what Hamas did got us Egyptians disappointed and angry but is that disappointment equal to seeing and agreeing to what is happening to our brothers and sisters in Gaza?Are eighty million Muslims in Egypt fasting ?  Can we break our fasting in peace knowing the crimes and killing that is happening by Israel to another Arab country ? Have we reached this point of watching other humans be killed in the hundreds and simply not care ?
When people are talking about the Egyptian proposal treaty , did they read the details of what is in this treaty ? Is giving up all Gaza's rights in defending themselves fair or acceptable to Alsisi and his new regime ? Is Egypt formally announcing itself an allay to Israel and an enemy to the Palestinians ? Where is the Egyptian conscious ? 
Can we take a look back at Egypt history ? How did we get rid of the British occupation ? The French, the Turkish ? It was all through the freedom fighters and Egyptians defending their country. Do we not wish the same for the Palestinian people , the last occupied country on this earth ? Why does Alsis want to sell out another Arab country ? To whom the bill rings ?

Samia Harris.
July 16, 2014


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