From: "drsamiaharris" <>
To: "drsamiaharris" <>, "alfikralarabi" <>,, "Mostafa, Abdelgelil" <>, "adelsamsoon" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 7, 2014 10:25:52 AM
Subject: Time for a new United Nation and Arab League.
To: "drsamiaharris" <>, "alfikralarabi" <>,, "Mostafa, Abdelgelil" <>, "adelsamsoon" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 7, 2014 10:25:52 AM
Subject: Time for a new United Nation and Arab League.
What we saw last two months , the genocide , the attack by air ,land and sea with the most modern and updated military , the killing of over two thousands seven hundred civilians in their homes without any ways to defend themselves, the daring to even kill and destroy the United Nations Schools which Israel was informed of their exact locations and the nature of the civilian residents who are mostly children. The killing of the Palestinians remains even today from the result of the bombing of people every where.
Israel destroyed a whole city called Gaza, schools ,water,electricity, sewer,buildings, streets, hospitals. A destruction that is equal to destroying a country during the second world war, except that this time there is no world war, there is only one country committing a genocide and war crimes.
Where is the United Nation from all these Israeli crimes ? Where are the countries that speak of world order and International Law ?
Where is the Arab League ? Talk is so cheep and when we are dealing with a criminal who specializes in committing genocide and world crimes , we get a Prime Minister who goes right from committing all these crimes into declaring two thousand acres from the Palestinian land to be taken away immediately to build more towns for his people.
Who is going to stop Netanyahoo and his government from committing this crime ? The World stopped Hitler and his party, why are they not stopping Israel for worse crimes ?
Talking is so useless unless we follow it by real actions. we demand action from all the leaders, in particular the Arab leaders who are still dealing with Israel as a partner. We demand action from the World Leaders who are still absent when it comes the the Palestinians as human.
Until Netanyahoo and his government are tried and held responsible for their war crimes, Until Israel is forced to pay for their crimes, for building Gaza and carrying all the cost, until Israel is made
to respect all previous agreements to be carried immediately , the two countries treated equal , the end of asking for negotiations and be forced to action, until US, Europe and the rest of the world look at Palestinians as humans with human rights, crimes will remain committed by Israel and others and the need for a new world order will be more in demand.In the mean time please call it what it is genocide and war crimes. It is not a war as to have a war, you must have two parties fighting each other, but in this case it is only Israel getting rid of the children every two years to keep the Palestinian number in check.
Samia Harris.
Sep.27th, 2014.
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