Thursday, 19 July 2012

{الفكر القومي العربي} War On All Fronts

War On All Fronts
By Paul Craig Roberts
Washington sets the stage for war.

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War On All Fronts

By Paul Craig Roberts

July 18, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --  The Russian government has finally caught on that its political opposition is being financed by the US taxpayer-funded National Endowment for Democracy and other CIA/State Department fronts in an attempt to subvert the Russian government and install an American puppet state in the geographically largest country on earth, the one country with a nuclear arsenal sufficient to deter Washington's aggression.

Just as earlier this year Egypt expelled hundreds of people associated with foreign-funded "non-governmental organizations" (NGOs) for "instilling dissent and meddling in domestic policies," the Russian Duma (parliament) has just passed a law that Putin is expected to sign that requires political organizations that receive foreign funding to register as foreign agents. The law is based on the US law requiring the registration of foreign agents.

Much of the Russian political opposition consists of foreign-paid agents, and once the law passes leading elements of the Russian political opposition will have to sign in with the Russian Ministry of Justice as foreign agents of Washington. The Itar-Tass News Agency reported on July 3 that there are about 1,000 organizations in Russia that are funded from abroad and engaged in political activity. Try to imagine the outcry if the Russians were funding 1,000 organizations in the US engaged in an effort to turn America into a Russian puppet state. (In the US the Russians would find a lot of competition from Israel.)

The Washington-funded Russian political opposition masquerades behind "human rights" and says it works to "open Russia." What the disloyal and treasonous Washington-funded Russian "political opposition" means by "open Russia" is to open Russia for brainwashing by Western propaganda, to open Russia to economic plunder by the West, and to open Russia to having its domestic and foreign policies determined by Washington.

"Non-governmental organizations" are very governmental. They have played pivotal roles in both financing and running the various "color revolutions" that have established American puppet states in former constituent parts of the Soviet Empire. NGOs have been called "coup d'etat machines," and they have served Washington well in this role. They are currently working in Venezuela against Chavez.

Of course, Washington is infuriated that its plans for achieving hegemony over a country too dangerous to attack militarily have been derailed by Russia's awakening, after two decades, to the threat of being politically subverted by Washington-financed NGOs. Washington requires foreign-funded organizations to register as foreign agents (unless they are Israeli funded). However, this fact doesn't stop Washington from denouncing the new Russian law as "anti-democratic," "police state," blah-blah. Caught with its hand in subversion, Washington calls Putin names. The pity is that most of the brainwashed West will fall for Washington's lies, and we will hear more about "gangster state Russia."

China is also in Washington's crosshairs. China's rapid rise as an economic power is perceived in Washington as a dire threat. China must be contained. Obama's US Trade Representative has been secretly negotiating for the last 2 or 3 years a Trans Pacific Partnership, whose purpose is to derail China's natural economic leadership in its own sphere of influence and replace it with Washington's leadership.

Washington is also pushing to form new military alliances in Asia and to establish new military bases in the Philippines, S. Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere.

Washington quickly inserted itself into disputes between China and Vietnam and China and the Philippines. Washington aligned with its former Vietnamese enemy in Vietnam's dispute with China over the resource rich Paracel and Spratly islands and with the Philippines in its dispute with China over the resource rich Scarborough Shoal.

Thus, like England's interference in the dispute between Poland and National Socialist Germany over the return to Germany of German territories that were given to Poland as World War I booty, Washington sets the stage for war.

China has been cooperative with Washington, because the offshoring of the US economy to China was an important component in China's unprecedented high rate of economic development. American capitalists got their short-run profits, and China got the capital and technology to build an economy that in another 2 or 3 years will have surpassed the sinking US economy. Jobs offshoring, mistaken for free trade by free market economists, has built China and destroyed America.

Washington's growing interference in Chinese affairs has convinced China's government that military countermeasures are required to neutralize Washington's announced intentions to build its military presence in China's sphere of influence. Washington's view is that only Washington, no one else, has a sphere of influence, and Washington's sphere of influence is the entire world.

On July 14 China's official news agency, Xinhua, said that Washington was interfering in Chinese affairs and making China's disputes with Vietnam and the Philippines impossible to resolve.

It looks as if an over-confident US government is determined to have a three-front war: Syria, Lebanon, and Iran in the Middle East, China in the Far East, and Russia in Europe. This would appear to be an ambitious agenda for a government whose military was unable to occupy Iraq after nine years or to defeat the lightly-armed Taliban after eleven years, and whose economy and those of its NATO puppets are
in trouble and decline with corresponding rising internal unrest and loss of confidence in political leadership.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.
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DrS's avatar
DrS · 17 hours ago
War on all fronts will definitely lead to America's undoing.

Are the military elite STUPID or just WAR MONGERS?

Don't endanger the lives of innocent citizens of our world.
3 replies · active 14 hours ago
European Dad's avatar
European Dad · 15 hours ago
They feel much too safe. Voodoo time.
marcus's avatar
marcus · 14 hours ago
Most of the brainwashed West would not believe Washington's lies if the CIA whore media spoke simply & plainly like PCR. Re-read the astonishingly obvious inescapable truths in this article & you're reminded of the hard work & tortuous twisted contortions & pretended blindness that the presstitutes must assume to avoid those simple truths. It's deplorable for any of the mentioned countries to collude with the rampaging double crossing 21st century U.S.Hitler on steroids, but what a travesty for U.S - bombed, poisoned & genocided Vietnam to embrace it's destroyer.
2 replies · active 5 hours ago
I don't think that they want conventional war on all fronts rather they want to destabilise, divide and conquer and keep the whole world down. They are just as involved in Africa and South America. If you want a job, I suspect there will be plenty in the US intelligence and black ops services - that is if you have the morals, ethics and humanity of a degenerate concentration camp guard.
guest's avatar
guest · 12 hours ago
......"unable to occupy Iraq after nine years or to defeat the lightly-armed Taliban after eleven years"...maybe not,but they wiped out millions(in that "millions" I also mean deformities,psychological trauma etc.) of people,destroyed entire towns,crops,animals and nature for years and years to come,in short they have been on a rampage of insane wild and crazed slaughetring of anything that moves for years,all in all,I think the part sentence above is irrelevant,to me at least.....and I would have to question if they really did want to "occupy" or defeat the "taliban",I think they are very pleased with themselves and all the slaughtering they do before and after breakfast.
5 replies · active 5 hours ago
RBHoughton's avatar
RBHoughton · 11 hours ago
Western foreign policies are driven by big business. The entire diplomatic service has collapsed under their bribes. Governments facilitate business wishes using embargoes, sanctions, NGOs, MSM and the armed forces with the intent of getting a greater share of the global economic pie and in the belief that the country with the deepest pockets gets its way.

Why should we have this anti-social rule of force dictating international relations? Because its deemed to be earier to take someone else's wealth than create your own.

We westerners have been quite successful at this game. We have never been so comfortable as we are. Its unnecessary to save-up for anything these days. Instant gratification is the characteristic of our generation until the moneymen extended their leveraging beyond prudent limits and required governments to draw the shortfall from us.

There are two economic theories that found the science of economics - trickle-down and bubble-up. Nearly every economist promotes trickle-down because he gets more money for doing so. What we should be doing is elevating bubble-up. By putting domestic exchange at the forefront of government attention we put everything else on a sound basis.
1 reply · active 7 hours ago
jerry's avatar
jerry · 11 hours ago
Pretty bleak after a few months of talk of thawing relations between Russia and the US, the Russian and Chinese veto at the UN of the resolve to protect issue in Syria has frozen those relations now into permafrost, where;s the love, bros, what about world peace?

Things could definitely be worse however, thing of the angst in the Empress knickers when this ill wind blows her inevitable way, not pretty will be the reaction, but the front boys will keep it clean for the general public. The British Culture so innurred to it's dog shows and breeding has another empress to thank, the Pekingese are funny little fellows, it spurred a revolution in dog breeding back in merry old England, after raiding her castle that is, I wouldnt go there again if I were the Brits, but then again they have people like Blair and Cameron for leaders and a royal family from the dark ages of Mary Queen of Scots spats with young Elizabeth back then, gee, I think the world has come full circle again with a few tides inevitablt turned off of their previous axis, the V for the US and their zionist forces isnt a gimme, neither is their officers corps own hearts and minds filled with the zeal it once was, 911's potions have warn full off, McCain defends Hillary;s islamic aid in the senate from Backmans venemous attacks, what gives, we all should be wondering, is it a full moon. Google Terri Ginsberg, like Molly Ivins, girlfriend is giving them hell, which is what these creeps deserve, anyone servicably proficient in the arts is asked to turn it up to full now.
pedro's avatar
pedro · 10 hours ago
I am afraid that the lunatics in power in the USA are not thinking about conventional warfare. The USA has all of those Trident Missile Subs, likely sitting in the Arctic Ocean and the China Sea. The people in Moscow and Beijing won't even have time to duck and cover. The New American Century will be born with a bang and not a whimper.

The American people will be told on television that this was an attack by alien flying saucers, and marshal law will be declared in the States for the protection of American Freedom. The US Army ground troops will be sent into China and Russia as humanitarian aide, and coincidentally to back up the new USA friendly regimes coming into power.

Judge Judy will be sitting on the Supreme Court, and Dr. Phil will be the Surgeon General. It is going to be great!
1 reply · active 10 hours ago
riding hood's avatar
riding hood · 5 hours ago
Да здравствует Путин!
Да здравствует Чавес!
Долой фашистскую Америку!

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