Thursday, 13 March 2014

{الفكر القومي العربي} Fwd: Egyptians abroad right to vote.

Subject: Fwd: Egyptians abroad right to vote.

I understand that President Mansor is meeting with Egyptian representatives to discuss the election law . 15 million Egyptians abroad should not be ignored. We have been fighting for Egypt every step of the way. Judge Adely Mansor should also invite Egyptians with concerns regarding out side election. It is barely mentioned in his speech or any one else's notes.
I have sent a letter of request to the Egyptian Embassy in DC a month ago and received no response up till now.
It is a real shame to try to tax us for being Egyptians and not show respect and equality for our right to vote.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss the matter further. I will be glad to help in any way possible to gain equal right to vote for all Egyptians abroad.
Samia Harris

To: "alfikralarabi" <>
Cc: "drsamiaharris" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 3:51:26 PM
Subject: Egyptians abroad right to vote.

Egyptians abroad right to vote. The saga continues.
Egyptians abroad right to vote is just that, a right not a gift nor a charitable contribution from any Egyptian politician . Egyptians all over the world consider this right to be more of a duty and a responsibility which we take very seriously.
I personally have worked on gaining this right for the past ten years, over the years many of our wonderful colleagues have worked on the same right with us. To this day unfortunately , we have yet to receive a workable sheet of information that will grant us the right to vote in a practical and doable manner.
Here is what we are asking for:
An Egyptian ID could be the Egyptian National ID , the Egyptian passport { valid or old} or an Egyptian birth certificate that can be issued by the embassy immediately.
Voting must be allowed in person, by mail or electronically.

Egyptian Election officers must be selected from the community , trained and certified in advance.These officers must perform their duties to monitor the election process, the signing on and off every day, the placing and breaking the seals. These officers must also sign off and certify the results and all data that is sent to Egypt.
These election officers and all staff who will be involved with the election are all accountable for their action in front of the Egyptian law.These officers also must have a quick mean to report any irregularity during the process to a responsible body in Egypt.
Transparency and accountability are key elements to move Egypt forward to a better place.
Samia Harris. March11th, 2014
Democracy for Egypt..

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