Sunday 4 January 2015

{الفكر القومي العربي} Egypt 2015

Would Egypt see a change in the new year ? Many Egyptians and I am one of them worked to remove Dr. Morsi from the presidency declaring that he was not suitable for the leadership of a country that is burning. It was normal to call upon our military to help us remove that president who got to presidency by fault and breaking Egyptian laws and constitution.
What we all did not authorize was the military taking over Egypt.
Because coup d' etat is no longer accepted in the world, a silly play by the military system lead by an experienced internal spy agency man , Alsisi took over Egypt presidency, and since he is a natural expansion to Mubarak regime and since he represented the military that deals well with the American system and the Israeli regime, No out side country stood against Alsisi take over.
.Just like the Interview movie when the people from within who know better advised the outsider that killing or changing the president would not matter because it is the system not the man.The same situation in Egypt it is the system not one person.Corruption being the main practice so all the big thieves must help the system to stay in power so that business can run as usual.The system flourishes by the structure . Military in business. Meaning military doing business other than what it is hired for, not the business of keeping the country protected but the business of building wealth, legal, illegal, by force and unfair practice, all does not matter, what matters is applying the poor Egyptian soldiers , a million of them as slaves; free labor to increase the military wealth of the selected few.
When comparing between Egypt generals with United States generals , one wonders how could the Egyptian generals collect so much wealth and power ? The mafia system of live and let live and exchanging favors between the presidency and military system works well for both parties and of course against the rest of the poor Egyptians.
The absence , twist and corruption of the judicial system is the strongest pillar to unjust ruling system. There has not been a shortage of the corrupted judges who benefit themselves from their position and keeping a bad regime ruling with an iron clad . The judges who sold their conscious for cheep from Mubarak days are the same judges who gave death penalty to 1300 Egyptians within two days of trials.They are the same corrupt judges who keep our kids in jail because they dared to hope for a better future.They are the same judges without a conscious who denied the good law graduates the right to be judges because they do not belong to the current class. A country with judges without conscious is a doomed country.
Ah, but wait , corrupt ruling system, a military empire,Judges without a conscious they are need of thugs to do the dirty work, to abuse the good citizens, to arrest them any time any where, to spry them to death , to arrest them for demonstrating or to even kill them on the way to jail, a legal pillar is needed and here comes the same police that the Egyptians revolted against . The police is happy to serve the masters knowing that they are well protected by the corrupted ruler, the system and the judges without a conscious.Now it will be too long of a list to go through all the structure of the Egyptian society from the doctors who accept to take salary and never show up at the hospitals, to the hospitals that lets a woman deliver at it's door steps, to the agriculture minister who lets Egyptians eat poisoned food, to education system that graduates ignorant generations. Do not forget the generals who share the inheritance of the provinces as if it were
their right to have.
Just scanning the situation with a non existing economy or industry is depressing and exhausting..
Can any action save  Alsisi. Only  Alsisi can save himself. First by having his own revolution against the system he grew up in, the regime that supported him and made it possible for him to sit on the biggest Arab state with the most population.  Alsisi will have to shed all the people around him, get real experts, Egyptians and non Egyptians, people who are not afraid to speak the truth but mainly people with a conscious.People who really want to save Egypt and move it forward. There are quiet a few of us in the world who are still crazy and will die for Egypt.
If  Alsisi is not smart enough to see the demand for change what would the other possibilities be ?
Whether it happens this year or later , I think something like the burning of the Pastel might happen or another version of the revolution, a continuation of the process may happen. At this time the young people who have been jailed and beaten will not have mercy and kindness, no good memories from jail and the hate built in their children by then will have no problem holding people's public trials against all those who abused their power and stole Egypt from it's people. You can fool the Egyptians once , but you never know what the next trigger will be.

Samia Harris
Democracy for Egypt.

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