Subject: Would the Egyptian Constitution save Almahrowsa ?
Would the Egyptian Constitution save Almahrowsa ?
Egypt today is in a very dangerous place, a place where we have never been before, where Egyptian minority have bought into a foreign ideology, some mixed the ideology with religion, which justified giving one self for. Similar concept to the Pakistani , Talaban, Alqada , Boko Haram who wrap themselves into bombs to kill themselves and other innocent people .
The strange concept is to kill for God, not so strange when we go back to the dark history of humanity. The crusade, and religious expansions and so forth.
What is strange about seeing it happen in our Egypt is that we are already a religious country, one main Muslim nation with Copts, Wahabi and other minority living in peace side by side for years. WE neither need more religion nor invasion What is happening in Egypt these days is a combination of poor education for years , a very organized group who is fighting for their last breath, this Cult has the media and layers in the Egyptian Society that made them win the votes prior.
This MB Cult is trained by Alqada and took the training to Egypt as a battle ground,Violent and killing is an important practice, destroying the country, the structure and leaving it in disorder and disarray is natural practice. One can see Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan to know how this group of people cares nothing about nation building and society structure.
Because we were asleep for years , let down our guard, lowered our education level. wiped out our culture , unfortunately all this affected our ethics and principals , as a result we actually allowed this MB Cult to occupy and control Egypt for more than two years, We the Egyptians allowed them to rule and control us and Egypt. We gave them the keys to our banks , our policy , our government. Most of all we gave them the presidential seal!
After this huge mistake from us Egyptians, do we think it is easy to fix our mistake ? Say OK, now that we are awake, let us take our country back ? Place these criminals in jail ?
Why did we think it was going to be easy to correct our mistake ? This was a huge and unforgivable mistake and the price to pay must be so high. Now all of us Egyptians are paying for it. We are paying with our people's blood which is most valuable, we are paying with the confusion of our people between the right and wrong, the good and the bad , the truth and the the lies.
We now have what might be the final chance to save Egypt not only from this time disaster but from possible future others. The final and only solution is in writing a constitution that is fit for today and tomorrow. One that is fit for a nation with seven thousand years of history and civilization.
What do we want to include in our Constitution?
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