Sunday 27 July 2014

{الفكر القومي العربي} Can we really wish each other Eid Saied this year ?

While our brothers and sisters are being pulled dead , smashed and unrecognized from underneath the destroyed on purpose buildings in Gaza, while the murdered Palestinians reached 1016 children and adults ; While the war crimes and genocide is continuing and the promise of more of the same is the only fact on the ground.
While over five thousands Palestinians injured, while demolishing a whole town specially the water , sewer , hospitals , schools, churches and mosques has been the daily practice.
The Nazi and Hitler practice is going on in front of the whole world , yet the world is watching and letting it happen and we the Egyptians are partners in the blood flow on our hands, that is because the politicians are playing politics and Egypt is trying to score some gains and vengeance against Hamas , Israel is doing what it does best all the time which is the killing, genocide and demolish yet come out like the country that is protecting it's citizens. 
While the US is doing what is always expected which is a blind support to Israel and to keep the Middle East under continues tornadoes and hurricanes.
The Egyptians so called initiative is an embarrassment to all human beings with a conscious, all Egyptians who know better and all Arabs who keep saying Hezbe Alla wa namea Alwakeel.
We totally agree that Egypt has the right to protect it's borders and deal with Hamas in any way it sees fit for Egypt safety and policies but not to partner with Israel against  our brothers and sisters the Palestinians.To hold Gaza hostage while it is under siege, while they are being massacred by Israel, while  their whole town has been demolished, while there has been a genocide ,all the current practice must be and should be beneath Egypt, and below the human integrity. 
It is not a matter of stopping the killing and demolition any more, it can not turn into donations and contributions to the poor and needy Palestinians, it is not a matter of big money from the Golf Countries, it is not a matter of expanding the UN camps and schools.
It is a matter of real consequence and real solutions, For the genocide to just stop and get out of people's mind and heart is belittling the loss of the Palestinians.
We ask that every criminal who participated with this war crimes be brought to justice, to the world court for crimes committed against humanity , war crimes.
We ask that Egypt either pulls it's tainted self serving initiative  immediately or change and adjust the initiatives to deal with Palestinian issues and not Egypt issues.
We ask that any solution must be real solution. Must bring accountability to Israel and ways to prohibit Israel from committing the same killing practice every couple of years
We ask that the whole Arab world reflects on their relationship with Israel and place the relationship in the right frame of nature. Israel nature of anti Semitic, anti human , anti Palestinian.The real apartheid practice that is against all the world human rights standards.
I hope before we all wish each other an empty happy Eid wish , that we reflect on the genocide at hand and ask our-self first" Are we real Muslims ? Can we be real Muslim allowing this genocide to happen while we are doing nothing ?
For the non Muslim of us " Are we real human ? Can we set by and see children and civilian  Palestinians being killed just for being in a country that is occupied ? A country that was put as the thorn in all the Arabs and Middle Eastern world to continue the agony and destruction, to be a way for these countries to stay down and under ?
May we please just check with our conscious for five minutes before we pray, before we enjoy a breakfast with our families, before we wish each other a happy Eid.? Can we demand from our-self and every one including our governments to be accountable for our act and our responsibilities ? I am not denying any one the right for happiness , I am just asking that we be human.

Samia Harris.

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