Saturday 22 August 2015

{الفكر القومي العربي} Fwd: Declaration of unity.


Declaration of unity.
We the Egyptians declare that our strength and ability to build has always sprung out of our unity.
We declare that our January 25th Revolution 2011 has captured our hope for a better Egypt.
Bread . Freedom and Social Justice are still our goals to achieve and will never be forgotten or die out. 
Egypt has fought hard and lost many of our children from January 25th 2011 till now , this is Egypt blood and hurts all of us.
The current system can not be sustained as it is out of scope of the January 25th Revolution and it is an extension to Mubarak and the Military regime which the Revolution rose to end.
The current regime is committing huge crimes against Egypt as a nation and these crimes will hurt all Egyptians in the long and short run to a devastating point if not disbuted and corrected immediately.
A few of these burning points are:
Signing a new alignment of Egypt water border with Cyprus and Greece was wrong and never needed or called for, up till now we have yet to know who is behind that deal which only Israel will benefit from ?
Egypt ironically with all our economic and financial needs has given up our right for oil and gas in the Mediterranean Sea to Israel. Who is benefiting from that evil deal and why ? 
Signing a goodwill treaty with Ethiopia over the dam , gave Ethiopia the right to gain funds and the dam is becoming a reality. This dam will dry Egypt land for years to come. Who is benefiting from this treaty and why did we not protect Egypt right in our water ?
Egypt land is still been given to outside investors around the Suez canal which will make Egypt vulnerable to other nations or foreign companies control.
To keep jailing over 40 thousands Egyptians for political reason and politicizing a judicial system will do nothing but create hate and violence among our nation.  
The current situation in Egypt can not continue,is not sustainable and has derailed the Egyptian Revolution.
Te current Egyptian military ruling deliberately distract the Egyptians by made up divisive and hate issues . When analyzed Egyptians are united on 95 % of all major issues. We must focus on what unite us for the good of Egypt and leave alone the 5% divisive issues , save Egypt and Egypt blood. 
We must unite and find our way back to rebuild a nation, to save lives and to bring Egypt to the twenty first century. To make Egypt a country for all Egyptians. We still have a chance to do that peacefully as it is the only way to save our nation.
Samia Harris
Aug 18, 2015 
Please feel free to endorse this statement and circulate. Thank you.

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