Tuesday, 4 December 2012

{الفكر القومي العربي} Fwd: Dr. Morsy and his camouflaged Coup

Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 1:25:55 AM
Subject: Dr. Morsy and his camouflaged Coup

We all are so familiar with  a military Coup d' etat 's meaning which is a military take over, but the meaning which we are not so familiar with is that it is also a strike against the state literally, strike and  blow of the state as known, taking over the country by controlling the armed forces  and the police according to the Wiki Pedia definition. A military Coup d'ete is no longer acceptable as the World stands against it in support of the legitimate ruler as we have seen some cases in Latin America and Africa.
Dr. Morsy being an engineer by profession thought he can fool the world by committing a camouflaged Coup, so he maneuvered very skilfully to take over Egypt.
Dr. Morsy was in Prison during the Egyptian Revolution , from the beginning to the point that he saw that the military  forces were not able to hold on to the power as  it will be an obvious coup or a take over, so after breaking from jail, and after the Muslim Brother hood jumped on the Revolution even though they did not cause it or fight for it, Dr. Morsy and his people started to strategies for taking over Egypt while the others were fighting  over who was suppose to be the president.
After Dr. Morsy ran a shameful election between a run away prisoner and a non trusted corrupted man, he betrayed himself as the man of the revolution for the revolution. Dr. Morsy promised the Egyptians every thing they wanted to hear. He promised to deliver the goals of the revolution and rebuild Egypt democratically and up to date in all areas.This was a very first maneuver of the Coup , tell the people what they want to hear so that you can get elected. The very second step was to take over the armed forces and the police, and amazingly he did that so easily as the Egyptians were so disappointed at the corrupted leaders of  SCAF , that they did not even question , how and why Dr. Morsy did it ?
The final and bolder move to complete the Coup was by humiliating the Judicial system and casting doubt on them so that people loose respect to them and do not mind if Dr. Morsy also takes over their system, oh but he did not stop there.
How can Dr. Morsy take over Egypt without writing his own Constituion to make every thing he does to be the law of the land ? That is what will seal the Coup for Dr. Morsy if he succeeds.
Without actual weapons , but by using people's ignorance and illiteracy Dr. Morsy has done the perfect act  of Coup. If he succeeds at it , the whole world will be studying it for years to come as the newest definition for a Coup.Only the very short time to come including tomorrow will tell how this Coup will end ? Would it convert into a military ? Would it turn violent  ? Would the armed forces find out what he did to them , get out of their holes and gain their power back ? Would the Judicial System stand strong and put Dr. Morsy in jail for attempting a Coup ? Would Dr. Morsy go all the way by entering  into a civil war and Milisha war ?
All are scary scenario and only God knows which way it will be tomorrow.
Samia Harris
Democracy for Egypt.

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