Wednesday 14 January 2015

{الفكر القومي العربي} Fwd: Paris sad event

From: "drsamiaharris" <
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 3:51:40 PM
Subject: Paris sad event

What happened in Paris was another crime committed by criminals and sick minded young people.Killing the innocent Journalists and Satirists who thought they were practicing their right for freedom of speech and freedom of expression and who live in a country that allows them this right , that is a sad and regretful affair.
But how long will we deal with these horrible events after they happen ?
To scan the world within the past few months, we saw just this week , the day after Charlie Hebdo sad event another twenty seven Nigerians were killed by Boko Haram, The same day we saw photos of six children frozen to death in Lebanon, Gaza and Syria where in some areas no one is able to take care of these children. A terrorist occupier called Israel killed three thousand Palestinians in their homes Just three months ago ,, six hundred and eighty of them were children. The world leaders did not go to Gaza to show support or try to stop the mass murder which Israel practices every few years to try to control the Palestinian Population.
So far six hundred thousand Syrian have been killed, who is the terrorist and who is fighting for his country ? Why are the big countries who interfered at the beginning dropped the Syrian issue as if it no longer matters and the lives of the Syrians do not count ?
ISIS was started by the United States to help get rid of Bashar Elassad and his regime, they were also financed by some Arab countries , if their mission was aborted why did the big countries not dismantle the group and instead ignored them to create a new problem for the Middle East ? Why was Libya left to become another lawless country like Yemen ?
Who is a terrorist and how do they get to be that person who can kill himself and others ? Why is discussing the holy-cost and how many Jewish people were killed by Hitler is considered antisemitic and red light at the same time making fun of Profit Mohamed is a matter of freedom of expression for every one?
Look at the six million Muslims in France, very poor population, treated as second class citizens in their own country. Poor education, lack of social justice even though these reasons are not an excuse or a license to kill innocent people, but it sure makes them an easy target to be recruited. When you have nothing to loose and no good life or a brain to make a young person think for himself , that makes them an easy target from criminals to hire them to commit crimes.
I think we must be honest and brave enough to analyze all angels of this sad repeated killing. Social Justice must be a right for all citizens in the world , and the killing of a Palestinian is a crime to equal the killing of a French or American person. They all are human and we must react the same way to be fair and just for all.
Finally this is not an Islamic issue or problem for Islam. The Islamic religion calls for kindness and close to two billion Muslims are living in peace in their countries.The Islam-phobia that is spreading as a campaign is a deliberate hate message that aims for division among nations and a call to discriminate among people and religions. I actually think it is a call for the third world war which I think has already started by is contained by design.
I say shame on the leaders and ministers who went to join hands with Netanyahu  and did not do any thing for the Palestinians or the Syrians or the Egyptians killed lately.
How long will the Arabs and Muslim leaders will be followers instead of protectors of their own nations, race or religion ?
As long as there are countries that look only after their interest, and gives lib serves to human rights and ignore the governments which practice iron clad terror against their own citizens,
in the absence of a fair law which must apply on all citizens equally, in the absence of justice, equal opportunity , freedom for all , there can never be enough police or military to stop extreme belief such as Boko Haram, Alquida, ISIS and other groups.
Our only hope is for real education and Social Justice

Samia Harris
Democracy for Egypt..

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