Subject: FW: Take Action: Help Gaza!
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 22:43:31 -0500
Subject: Take Action: Help Gaza!
Take Action: Help Gaza!
Photo credit: Associated Press (AP)
November 15 — ADC strongly condemns the continuing Israeli aggression and indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. ADC calls on the Obama Administration to stop supporting the continued Israeli aggression, and take measures to stop Israel's continued violations of international and human rights laws.Reports indicate that the Israeli air strikes over the past two days have killed dozens of people in Gaza and have left hundreds more injured, some of which are in critical condition. Even more troubling is that some of those killed are infants and children. These strikes come at a time while Gaza is still under an illegal blockade which has left many of Gaza's 1.8-million inhabitants without sufficient food, water, fuel or medicine. The population of Gaza is 2/3 refugee and more than half are under the age of 16. The UN has listed Gaza as the most densely populated area in the world with a population density that is higher than that of Manhattan.
Contact the White House at 202-456-1111 and the State Department at 202-647-6575, and demand the Administration to take the following measures:

Demand that they exert immediate pressure on Israel to end its violent aggression;
Demand that Israel immediately lift its illegal blockade and siege of Gaza.
Contact local media. Write letters to editors and op-eds for local newspapers
Contact your local representatives and urge them to apply pressure to end the attacks
Join an emergency demonstration
Also, read:
Dear Friends,
As Israel begins yet another round of killing in Gaza, we need to stop our tax money from enabling these continuing and intolerable attacks!
As many of you plan and attend demonstrations today, we urge you to also do something that has the power to go to the source of Israeli power and pull the plug.
Please join the national campaign to Stop the Blank Check to Israel – sign the check telling Congress to stop sending our money to Israel and distribute these check-fliers digitally to your entire email list and on paper to your campus and community.
And download and hand out this brand new flyer we've just created for events today and over the coming week!
[Also, to bystanders and media covering these rallies, please hand out this excellent informational flier on Israel's history of breaking ceasefires.]
We need to show Congress and candidates that we will not continue allowing our money to fund Israeli aggression!
Longtime British journalist and Middle East analyst Alan Hart suggests that in Obama's last year in office he may finally use his power as president to oppose Israel's defiance of international law.
We think this is possible (and wish it could be much, much sooner) – but this will only happen if we build public support for this action!
We know that many of you are working on a great many projects. We don't suggest that you stop any of these – we only urge that among your activities you distribute these checks at every event, talk, and rally.
When all the individuals and all the different groups who care about Palestine take this simple but powerful and united action, we will finally demonstrate how many thousands of us oppose US tax money to Israel – and soon, as more of our billboards go up around the nation – thousands more will join us.
By working together we can end the U.S. financial and governmental support that empowers Israeli action. We have a three-year window of opportunity – let's begin!
For justice and peace,
Alison Weir
The Goldstone Report/ Investigation of the War on Gaza
· The Palestinian Rights Page
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