Sunday 29 December 2013

{الفكر القومي العربي} Re: Correcting the wrong with the proposed constitution.

Please do what you can to save Egypt and bring to live Egypt conscious.
God bless you all. 
Samia Harris

From: "samir elish" <>
To:, "alfikralarabi" <>, "Abdelgelil Mostafa" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 4:34:58 PM
Subject: Re: Correcting the wrong with the proposed constitution.

Excellent propositions
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From: "" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 22:55:12 +0200
To: alfikralarabi<>; Abdelgelil Mostafa<>; samir elish<>; drsamiaharris<>
Subject: Correcting the wrong with the proposed constitution.

Since my articles went out regarding refusing the Egyptian proposed Constitution , my colleagues are asking me to propose a solution .
It is really simple. Egypt had a revolution to bring Bread , Freedom and Social Justice  to the Egyptian Society. That should have been the goal of any one who was given the honor of participating in drafting that constitution.
Mr. Amer Musa and the fifty members should have been brave and honest enough to place people's will first. Egypt conscious demands that all Egyptians are created equal and must be treated equally in front of the law. In  a simple language it means that all ministers including the minister of defense is treated the same way as the minister of agriculture or any other minister in the Egyptian cabinet, no special privileges or status. SCAF and Egypt military are part of Egypt assets and are not an entity of their own. The Egyptian Military is employed by the Egyptian Government which acts on behave of the Egyptian people. The Egyptian Military does not have the right to own or trade in Egypt's assets nor try any civilians in it's courts.
The same thing applies to the Judicial System and the Police Organization, all are part of the Egyptian Government. Alazhar as a university must be treated the same as the rest of the universities. Alazhar as a source of information for Islam specializes in that and has no absolute power over religion or the people.
Avoiding the lengthy composition and avoiding commitments to a particular percentage of the budget to any department is more truthful and realistic than including a percent without assessing a need .
Promising Egyptians the world is disrespecting the integrity and intelligence of all Egyptians. Egypt is on the verge of collapsing economically, may be even hunger revolution, how can the constitution guarantee a job , health care, education, housing and so on to every Egyptian ? When would we be honest enough and brave enough to tell the Egyptians the truth, that the only way to dig our way out is through all of us working together so hard and facing few rough years , that planning and executing the plans are our savior.
Only then would the proposed constitution with these corrections, changes would it be worth the paper it is written on. Only then would it have a hope to save Egypt and realize the Egyptians aspiration.
Only then it will be a constitution worth voting for.
How could that be done now ? We are in a revolution mode, Judge Adly Mansour has the legal power to call the fifty members , place them in a room and ask them to work on behave of the Egyptian people , with honesty and integrity. Not to waste more millions of pounds  to vote on a constitution that will be dismissed sooner or later.
Egypt conscious is what we are looking for . Can we get it ?
God bless Almahrowsa.
Samia Harris
Democracy for Egypt 

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