Saturday 22 August 2020

{الفكر القومي العربي} It is not a matter of a man, it is a matter of saving Egypt

Every Egyptian is very much aware of the damage Sisi and his system has done to Egypt . Some of us think it is done deliberately and others think it is due to Sisi's ignorance and self protection. 
Either ways, the drying of the River Nile, the loss of  gas field, the loss of thousands square meters of the Mediterranean borders , the loss of Terain and Sanafer, the loss of Egypt international respect, the misery of the Egyptians not finding medical treatment or even bread, but most of all the loss of the people . 
At least 3500 Egyptians have been murdered so far and more deliberate slow or fast killing in a prison that has at least 60000 political opposition in Sisi's jail who are tortured, denied the medical attention, the sun or visits or cover.
Unfortunately the world as it stands ignored Sisi and the military system's crimes to gain their own benefits like the US blind support to Israel or Europe's solving it's financial challenges at Egypt expense. 
The situation in Egypt is not sustainable , and we all agree to the need for unity. I wrote a calling for that many times prior and now there are many other initiatives . Just as I always say getting rid of Sisi is not enough, as " It is not just the man it is the system" I am now calling for the same concept not just for unity regardless where the call comes from as " It is not a matter of a man , it is a matter of saving Egypt" It is a call for unity with a plan of action
I ask all of us to please unite to develop a government in exile as it is a call which we have not tried yet.
This government in exile should have two bodies connected to include every Egyptian who is sincere and wanting to save Egypt. The Congress who includes everyone and the government  made of experts who are ready to tackle Egypt problems from the day of announcement. 
A team of three or two will lead the project chosen from the congress and the ministers who are experts for the transitional period. Once we can get rid of Sisi and his system and go to Egypt we pass the baton to Egyptians living in Egypt.Mandatory steps will be an action plan with a timeline and corrective measures , other than that it is another call , another wonderful idea , another missed opportunity.
Please sign your name if you agree and would like to take participate in Saving Egypt Initiative.
United we can.
Samia Harris.Aug.22nd, 2020
Democracy for Egypt and Human Rights Activist.

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