Tuesday, 21 August 2012

{الفكر القومي العربي} Would Muslim brother hood be repeating a McCarthyism experience ?

               I am a fan of history and in many situation I find that history does repeat itself, just in a different place , different time. Sometimes it is because people borrow from similar experiences in history in hopes that it will help them with what they want to achieve even if it means short term victory.
From observing the Egyptian seen lately, I could not help but find a great similarities from the Muslim brotherhood behavior and the McCarthyism experience in the United States of America in 1950 which lasted for about ten years.
American  citizens in particular the liberal and literate thinkers were subjected to the the horror of McCarthyism, a terror that also spread to the US 's allies" Encyclopedia of Marxism" 
Senator Iseph McCarthy lead anti communist  move by carrying a witch hunt against free thinkers, actors , liberal Americans by accusing them of  being Marxists therefore anti- Americans, basically enemies of the state.
This behavior succeeded  in keeping people in isolation and poverty , people lived in fear of being accused and charged, millions were intimidated and kept their mouth shut. 
These horrible years in the American history destroyed creativity and the economy . The result  was rebellious  against the society and the people in power in an explosive way.
We all know that it was the students , and the labor unions as well as women's liberation movement is what brought America back to it's root of respecting the law , freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
Today we have learned of charging a great thinker Mr. Kandel of insulting the president. No one can ever doubt Mr. Kandel's loyalty to Egypt, yet all of sudden he is being betrayed as enemy of the state. We also heard of shunting down news paper, therefor not allowing freedom of expression , yesterday we heard of canceling  the readers opinion's pages in the government run news papers Alahran and Alakhbar !
The even more scary stories that we read and hear which adds to terrorizing the liberals, the free thinkers and the revolutionaries is labeling every one who criticizes  Egypt President ; is accused of being anti-Islamic , therefore not only an enemy of the state but an enemy of a billion Muslim person and of their religion Islam !
What the Muslim brotherhood seem to forget is tyranny  never create love and loyalty, how fast can they forget, can they look for where Husni Mubarak is ?
Do they really believe that Egyptians would have let Tantawi and Annan  go that easy if they were good for Egypt or if they took care of the revolution needs ?
The message we are trying to pass on to Dr. Morsy  and all his colleagues, if Mubarak and all his mighty could not control Egypt for ever with oppression and scary methods, why is Dr. Morsy and his party following the same route while they have a golden opportunity to do great things for Egypt ?
It just does not make sense to get Egyptians to hate your system , your party and your way of running the country, finally  it will be focused on you personally and what a shame it will be to make people rebel against a beautiful religion that is Islam.
I have a simple suggestion from a very simple person, leave people freedom of expression and freedom of speech alone, let the law be the only factor in Egypt , focus on building a civil society. Egypt before you and after you will be Egypt where people love to be Muslim and Christian their way, between them and God. To see religion is for God and Egypt is for all Egyptian equally will always remain what we believe in.

Samia Harris.
Democracy for Egypt

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