Sunday 22 June 2014

{الفكر القومي العربي} Would the Egyptian dream ever become a reality?

The Egyptian Revolution has been derailed three times over by now, would the Egyptian aspiration ever become a reality ? Would there be a real change as a natural out come of the Egyptian Revolution ?
Marshal Alsisi is now the president of Egypt and the jury is still out. Too much to do and very little time to do it. The cabinet has been formed, the indication is a mix, having a seven am meeting is a good wake up call for every one that there is a new sheriff in town, he is military, he is young and he is in good health. All that is great but does Alsisi have the vision to match or Exceed Egypt needs ?Is it Alsisi's destiny or his plan or choice to be the ruler of the most ancient country on this earth after a revolution ?
From the cabinet appointment we see a lot of recycled faces, cosmatic band aid, more rush rush to show that we are busy working, same old ideas suitable for old guards who lived in their own world isolated from the outside world and away from the changes in the socio economic today's theories and practice .
Can Alsisi save his presidency and save Egypt with him ?
The only way I see this to happen is for Mr. Alsisi to be so brave and confident in his own ability and charisma to stand up tall and declare a peace treaty with all Egyptians . To declare that Egypt is above all and for all Egyptian equally. That any one without blood on his hand is welcome back in the Egyptian society, that every one who accepted corruption, got wealthy the illegal way has three to six months to step up and pay back to Egypt then he or she will be spared court and jail possibility. This offer should be for Mubarak regime, his family members and all his circle.
Mr. Alsisi must bring peace to the streets , clean up house from judicial system, to police practice to education, health, agriculture . All areas which will make a nation building.
Honesty, transparency, integrity, inclusion, equality will have to be the president's real tools. Just busy,just talking, recycled ideas, washed people will not make a real difference in Egypt situation.
Appointing four women in the Egyptian cabinet is ignoring real power in solving Egypt problems, not tapping on Egyptian abroad expertise is neglecting a real chance to solve Egypt challenges, not coming up with wholesome approach and not asking for real help from the world experts and not showing real ability to lead and is not going to solve Egypt immediate disasters or short and long term plans..
Mr. Alsisi, here we are sincere Egyptians wanting to save Egypt calling SOS. Do not wait for long, the clock is ticking and your credit is very limited. 

Samia Harris
Democracy for Egypt.
June 21, 2014

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