Saturday 26 January 2013

{الفكر القومي العربي} Egypt 8

What is wrong with our people ? Can these people who are hailing the death of twenty one Egyptian as a sentence coming from court , can that really be celebrated by any human being ?
What is happening to our Egyptian Society ? Do they actually think this is how you deliver justice ? Is there justice in more senseless killing ? Live ammunition is heard and twenty three of the people in the streets are killed and the town is burning, do you think all that is in the name of justice ?
If all of a sudden Egyptian Judges and Court are delivering justice then how about arresting Morsy the president with his government and trying him for all the people killed today, yesterday and in front of Elethadya while he is hiding ?
How about trying Morsy for dividing Egypt , destroying it and trying to sell it's gates and assets in secrets ? 
How about trying Morsy for the amount of poisoned  gas thrown at our kids who were demonstrating  in a peaceful manner ?
Can justice be applied only to benefit the system and people in power ?
How about trying the higher up police and military leaders for ordering or deliberately  be absent from the picture when these crimes are taking place ? There is something called accountability , which means all these problems are the responsibility of the president and his aids.
We must all take accountability for our action, and any one who sees wrong and does not correct it her self is part responsible, that is why we can not blame other country leaders on our own failing acts. The problem is ours and ours alone, all the political action stop short of action, it is all just talking, no one has the gumption to stand up and call to hold a revolutionary court, arrest Morsy and Qandel for the killing of Alethadya, and yesterday and today.s dead.
Every one is just talking and Morsy is dividing the country , forced a trashy document to be Egypt's constituion under the pretense of democracy.
Where is our military leaders , did they all really sell us to Muslim brotherhood and America ? They too then must be tried for betraying us. 
Is Morsy  sacrificing Port Said so that he can deliver Qatar the Suez Canal ?  How can that be ? I remember my Uncles who fought against Israel , the English and the French telling me how much the people of Port Said have fought for Egypt and saved all the military from death.
How can the Egyptians accept a president who hides while our kids are being slaughtered ? He can not be Egypt president but now it is not his fault for being there, it is ours for allowing him to be there and to bring Egypt down. Do you see what Elshbab are doing to Mali ? That is what Morsy is doing to Egypt while we are talking about it.
Please let us take action, I ask the Judges to hold a Revolutionary Court in Tahreer Square and if found guilty arrest Morsy and all his partners..
Samia Harris.
Democracy for Egypt.

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