Saturday, 7 June 2014

{الفكر القومي العربي} Omar died.

Today's judgement in cutting the Kalyobia Road is a cry for help to the Egyptian people. Demand a cleaning of the judges and the whole judicial system in Egypt. There is no hope of Egypt to have social justice or equal opportunity without a fair and just judicial system. A nation can not move forward to protect their citizens without a fair application of the law. Egypt has laws, too many of them. What Egypt does not have is protecting how the law is applied, how to prohibit the judges from being tools to politics and to who is giving the order.A discipline system for corrupt and political judges must be designed and applied to the judicial system. To have real improvement in the society, to protect human rights, citizens right and all the bands in the constitutions will not take place without a fair and just judicial system. A nation without a fair and true just judges will never have a chance for freedom, bread and equal social justice.
What will the new president do regarding this issue ? In my opinion Egypt must start with a serious shake to our judicial system for any one who is sincere about any improvement in Egypt.
These are black days in Egypt history. God forgive us all for letting it happen while we are watching. If not us then who ? If not now then when ?
God save Egypt.
Samia Harris 

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