Monday 29 July 2013

{الفكر القومي العربي} Fwd: No need for Emergency Law in the new Egypt.

To: "alfikralarabi" <>
Cc: "drsamiaharris" <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 5:01:26 PM
Subject: No need for Emergency Law in the new Egypt.

There is no need for emergency law in the new Egypt , we rose for January 25th Revolution so that we do not have emergency law or emergency measures , emergency measures means  usually breaking the law or not following the law . This emergency law was used by the formal regime to abuse all their ruling power so that they can commit the crimes under their ruling time. Using the current  circumstances to take Egypt back to where we started is not acceptable.Announcing emergency law or tweaking the law to suit a special need at a special time is a slippery slop road and we must be very attentive,reluctant and vigilant when allowing this emergency measure
. Emergency law is always connected with not following the law , that is why it is called emergency. We do not mind if Egypt is in danger and we do not have enough laws to deal with an occupier but we believe that at this time with this internal threat , Egypt does have enough laws to deal with any criminal or criminal acts, as we have faced similar circumstances prior and we have laws to cover all aspects of the current situation..
What we do not want to see is for any ruling power in Egypt whether it is the military or the police or the transitional government to go backward with Egypt, to wash away what we fought for and sacrificed with Egyptian blood.
We want all ruling power to follow the new and improved of high standard to follow the law, that all Egyptians are equal in front of the law, that we run as a civil society where the law is applied where there is respect for the law, where the police and the military run according to International Human Rights Standards.When we do that then we will belong to the Civilized World.
I just saw some official who is trying to differentiate between empowering an emergency law and emergency measures and may be it is my Arabic but I really did not get it, if he could not simplify it to a PHD ! I do not know who else is not going to understand what he was saying or was what he was saying clear to be understood ?

All I am asking for is for all of us to rise above personal hate or emotions and rise to the level of  treating every one equally according to Egyptian Law. Please !
God bless Egypt and all Egyptians.

Samia Harris
Democracy for Egypt.

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