Saturday 17 October 2020

{الفكر القومي العربي} Fwd: Hate crime in Paris

---------- Original Message ----------
From: samia dr harris <>
To: "" <>
Date: 10/17/2020 2:02 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hate crime in Paris

Sorry for the grammatic mistakes in the prior cop
To: alfikralarabi <>
Date: 10/17/2020 1:40 PM
Subject: Hate crime in Paris

I know I am  touching on a very hot, controversial scary subject when we speak of religious topics that may get me targeted or even killed. But we can not hide our heads in sand and we as leaders of our race and culture must be brave enough to deal with challenges which we are faced with specially at this time and within new lands and cultures which we live in.
From the base of " If not us then who? If not now then when ? we have a duty and responsibility to deal with such difficult issues.
The absolute refusal of some Muslims to show the picture or what is thought to be the what Mohamed the Prophet looked like, and taking that refusal to a point of killing a teacher because he attempted to show a photo in a classroom to challenge the students to accept freedom of speech !
That teacher was killed in cold blood, and the killer is a person who committed a crime and must be tried according to the French Law. 
In the other hand , this crime has nothing to do with terrorism. This crime sprung from a very complicated society. Let us try to understand the fabric of the French Society as it stands. The absence of equity and equality in education, which produces lack of opportunity for layers of generations. Poverty, lack of culture, and absence of assimilation in the society results in disastrous. Poor undesirable neighborhood, young people without model and mentor scholars or even the absence of parents . Hate is much easier to sell and spread than do good and be good, which makes the people who appoint themselves to be leaders in Islam without proper education and with the absence of certification to speak on behave of a religion is appalling.
Is the person who committed this crime a criminal, for sure yes. He broke the law and killed an innocent teacher but is that all ?
No there are many parts to this situation. Assimilation of the society is a group effort. It falls on every person in the society. From the day a society opens it's door to an immigrant till that immigrant becomes a true citizen who participate with full rights and duty, full power of the society.
That means , Equity and equality in education in all areas and for all citizens. Start with them young and give them every opportunity to grow healthy in mind, and body. Do not leave any gap for any ignorant person who practices hate under the shade and of religion. Teach these young ones the value of research, of finding facts, of believing in themselves and that will result in assimilating in the society.
Even though I leave the religion debate to true religion scholars but I am hundred percent sure that the Quran does not call to kill an innocent person because he dared to show a photo of what he thought looks like profit Mohamed. 
Samia Harris.
October 17th, 2020. 

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