Sunday 3 January 2016

{الفكر القومي العربي} Alsisi go, depart, be gone, disappear, leave.

Alsisi it is past due time that you go, disappear , be gone, leave , erhal. You can do it yourself or you will be forced to do it sooner or later. The treason that Alsisi committed against Egypt and all Egyptians is way beyond greed and corruption, it is way beyond any former president Egypt had, it is not just to build quick wealth for himself and his family. Alsisi has committed clear TREASON and I am wondering when would all Egyptians realize that fact ? Who does he serve ? Who does Alsisi work for ? Who does he take his marching orders from ? 
Some of the treasonous decisions that Alsisi took were his signature for what he called goodwill treaty with Ethiopia which gave Ethiopia the legal power to build their dam. Alsisi acknowledged to Egyptians that Ethiopia has the right to live and ignored to tell the Egyptians how would they live for years to come without one third of the Nile water. The Ethiopian Dam as we all know will be built and financed by an Israeli company so what do we take from that treasonous act ?
Alsis for unknown reasons gave Egypt right for the Mediterranean gas discovery to Israel in full when he decided to change Egypt borders with Greece and Cyprus. Who is benefiting from giving away Egypt water and gas right in the Mediterranean ?
Alsisi played the fastest money washing when he pulled 63 billion Egyptian pound , gave it to the military to sub contract a branch which should not have cost more than six billion pound.Thirty billion pound showed up from unknown sources.
During his two years tenier Alsisi built more prisons than any one in Egypt history, imprisoned fifty thousand innocent Egyptians including women, children, older and youth without fair trials.
Alsisi has established a new system of making any opposition disappear , be killed and some thrown in the desert. 
These are just a few of the treasonous steps that Alsisi committed therefore I call for the International Court to try Alsisi as a war criminal but most of all , I believe the Egyptian nation must wake up , unite and stop that atrocity from continuing .I still must remind all of us that it is not just Alsisi , it is the whole system.
We must rid Egypt of the military ruling and find ways to Bread, Freedom, Social Justice and Revolutionary Trials.
May God have Mercy on Egypt.
Samia Harris.
January 3rd, 2016

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